Thursday, 29 December 2011

a bit of xmas

a couple of xmas pics.


annie rose xmas time 2 008annie rose xmas time 2 010

Thanks for my new stroller grandma!

annie rose xmas time 2 027

Second cousins, we know how to dress for Christmas.


All the pretty ladies.


Aunty Anna and Oma


Aunty Lou and Dad


Second Cousins Dante and Nova


Oma Time

    annie rose xmas time 2 031 annie rose xmas time 2 034

Unc d, Jade and Pete

annie rose xmas time 2 039

After a big day out, still some energy left for shenanigans with pa.

annie rose xmas time 053

Chris and I at the gardens in the Domain.

annie rose xmas time 2 057 annie rose xmas time 2 064

Who you lookin at?  You lookin at ME!

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Rub a dub dub three men in a tub and who do you think they beeeeeeeeeee!

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THis is how they wear hats west side. ow.

 annie rose xmas time 050

Friday, 23 December 2011

wait wait wait, this totally does.

ahh we’ve been waiting for 7 months for this moment to occur. A proper bo crawl from Annie-Rose. Here it is. In all it’s wibble wobble glory. Warning this is for die-hard fans only, am aware it will be boring to most but UK grandparents and aunties, you just gotta see this eh? Or is this still a fascination to parents. Oh my god I’ve lost all perspective. This could very well be as annoying as parents who put their kids on the phone. If it is I apologise.

does this count?

crawling or sprawling?