Tuesday, 22 May 2012


We’ve been taking Annie to swimming lessons since she was six months old and I reckon it’s already paying off. She loves the water, has no fear when you dunk her under and happily launches in from the edge.

Oma took her in for me last week and I took a couple of pics. I also tried to swim a couple of lengths and although I still have good technique from all those waterpolo days, I was wasted after 15 minutes. My fitness levels are at an all time absolute low. Usually this would be the catalyst for me to get into action and sort my diet and get back into workouts but it’s winter, I’m 3 months pregnant and really tired. I think this might become a period in my life where I just give in and get a bit fat.

Anyway, below are some lovely shots of Annie modelling her new togs thanks to her Nan, bright pink with strawberries and frills, we should all have swimwear this gay. Also some shots of Oma and Annie and Lou and Leo, looking like they are all having a blast, as is the case with swimming.

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Sunday, 20 May 2012

Annie’s first birthday

We have so much going on at the moment and it always seems when life is bursting with news that you have no time to tell the world about it so I am dutifully sitting down on my Sunday night, ignoring 60 minutes on tv, which is my conversation life saver for anything intellectual these days, and updating the blog for y’all.

Couple of major bits of news to get off my chest, we are just entering our 15th week of pregnancy….whoa….yep. So that was a big surprise but we are happy and lucky. More to come later as we had the scan 2 weeks ago and pics and the babies sex may be revealed.

On Thursday we bought a house! It’s 3 bedrooms, insulated (oh thank god), on a quarter acre and back in our old stomp. We move in 3 weeks, but again, more on that later.

SO.. this post is about our wee Annie Roses 1st Birthday. What an awesome achievement, for her and for us. We’ve come a long way since May 7th a year ago, full of that new parent sheen, oh how wet behind the ears we were.

We celebrated with a morning tea down at Oma’s because her home exudes calm and peace and just generally a feel good relaxed vibe that everyone tunes into. It was beautiful and sunny and we strung up floral bunting and placed daisies in vases on the tables. Chris came early and turned out platter after platter of yummy club sammies and sausage and asparagus rolls. We just had a good time.

So my baby girl is one. I am proud and happy. She’s a beautiful child that smiles from the moment she wakes to the time her head hits the pillow again in the evening. She makes parenting easy and I’m overwhelmed with the love I have for her. As lou wrote in her card to mum this mothers day, ‘you don’t realise how much you mean to your mum until you have your own’.

So here are some pics from the day. We were so busy entertaining that we only took a couple of snaps before everyone arrived and then a few just after most people had left! No pic’s of the sheep cake Oma and I had made to resemble her favourite toy unfortunately.

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Above, starting to decorate, below, Annie and Cousin Leo hanging in the ball pool. various 011

Annie finishing her first bit of chocolate cake, ever. Yes she liked it.

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Back in the ball pool with one of Annie’s coffee group buddies, Luke.

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Later that night in her new jammies from Cuckoo and Grandpa.

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And finally…. in my bout of pregnancy insomnia that I’d had the night before the party I jotted down some musings on my first year of motherhood that I shakily read out on the day.

How motherhood has changed me.

1. You can die of sleep deprivation but impossibly I survived because I am superhuman.

2.Knowing it’s ok to marvel in everything your child does but remembering you don’t have to share it with the world. People will call you boring behind your back.

3. I have more empathy for people because you realise everyone was once vulnerable, happy and brimming with potential just like Annie.

4. Being surprised that some days parenting really is the hardest job you have ever done.

5.Realising that some days it’s ok to have spaghetti on toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

6. How to take immense pleasure from the simple things like being able to walk to the local shops with Annie and seeing her as independent from me.

7. Knowing that your 5pm glass of wine sometimes needs to become a 2pm one and that’s ok.

8. Realising that children are born physically very tough and that it’s their hearts and minds that need a mother.

9. How to laugh often and all day.

10. That it’s ok to get poo on your hand.

11. That beaches, parks and forests are invaluable to our wellbeing.

12. That raspberry jam on toast always makes me feel better.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012