Hold your hats folks, no pete didn't get down on one knee, proprose, whisk me off to santa barbara and marry me. The engagement party was Mel and Mikes, the happy grinning couple above. For those of you in the UK, mel's one of my oldest mates, unfortunately now living in Melbourne, Australia and Mike's her sweet bloke that has loved her since primary, finally got her in Sydney and is now very luckily engaged to her in Melbourne. Was a pretty top night. I drank wayyyy too much booze, laughed far too loudly all night and finally ended up in Mels dads swimming pool in my undies, classy. Thankfully Mel and co have known me way to long to think any of this behaviour unruly and grinned me through it.

Odette arrives, back from Gran Canary? with Nz's finest feijoa bubbly, feijoa's are a unique tasting fruit grown here and the wine is delicious.

Drea and jamie back for their wedding

Pete and Ben, an old school mate.

They're all in their undies too. heh.
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