Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Kare Kare Beach with Grace

So Grace arrived from the Thai Jungle on Friday and in her brief stay in Auckland we tried to show her a few of the more beautiful parts of the city. On Sunday we took her out to Kare Kare Beach on the West Coast, through the Waitakere Ranges. A 40 minute drive from Auckland and we were there, Pete fell into the stream below as Grace and I nimbly hopped across the rocks, alas we weren't camera ready but had a good laugh with the other stream hoppers, poor wet feet baby.

Kare Kare Beach

Kare Kare is amazing, you can see pete and grace are just simply in awe ;)

Kare Kare Beach (8)

    Kare Kare Beach (13)

The great hills behind them are made up of Volcanic stone and loom straight up out of the dunes. The whole place feels jurassic and you can see why so many films have taken shots from here.

Kare Kare Beach (20)

Me and Pete strolling bare feet kiwi style with the picnic and rug. In summer jandels are a pre-requisite due to the high iron content in the sand, it can heat up to an unbearable temp and you see people seriously hot footing it to the waters edge as it sneaks in over the rims of their shoes. In winter though as we are now, it's just lovely, silky and warm.

Kare Kare Beach (25)

Isn't it just stunning, it fair takes your breath away when you're standing in it.

Kare Kare Beach (26)


So this is funny, sort of. For me anyway. Pete and I make our way up the top of the sand dune, we've eaten our picnic, wandered the beach stretch and copped a squat in the tussock, only thing left to do? climb a dune and run down the other side at full tilt. we've done this before, but this time we have someone at the bottom of the hill armed with a camera.

Kare Kare Beach (28)

I take off first, see that? leaping, BOUNDING in fact, yeyyyyyy, you know that kind of run, Pete's still standing at the top, the words, 'gee that looks awful steep' just passing his lips.

Kare Kare Beach (30)

And then he's off, now I'm not sure if you can see his run so I've zoomed in for you below.


Kare Kare Beach (31)


'and one skip hop, traa laa laa'. I laughed so hard when Grace showed me the pics at the bottom. She said, 'are you very competetive?' I pondered the question and before I answered Grace says with a smile, 'thought so'. HA! ....'got my handbag, got my shoes, ooh icky icky sand!'...


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