Everyday we walk, almost. New Zealand is made for walking. Even the walk to the dairy is scenic for us. As I've said before, Taka beach is roughly an 8minute walk down the road from the flat and from the beach, the view of Rangitoto is stunning. See for yourself....
Last Monday we got sick of looking at her and thought, well gee, why not take a hike eh? 5 minutes to Devonport, 25minutes on the ferry and we were there, it couldn't have been easier.
Hi, I'm Pete, I'm about to hike up a dormant Volcano that I've been looking at for the last 9months. Better yet check out my hiking footwear! TA DA! RANDALS, cause i'm tough.

Walking over volcanic rock took it's toll in the jandels, but pete?, didn't complain once. We read on our mini map that 'Rangitoto' means blood sky but not from some tremendous hot molten lava spewing eruption as you might think. It was actually after a maori chief was killed in a battle on the island. Interesting yes. It's those bits that keep you reading isn't it.
We climbed to the trigg (for non hikers that's the black and white wooden structure next to me)
And looked back out to this..... taka beach and Auckland City beyond. Worth every between the toe jandel blister.
We took the long coastal walk back down to the ferry, chatting, arguing some, mostly chatting.
As we slid into our upper deck ferry booth for the journey home...(very much revelling in the bliss of slipping off our jandels under the table), we looked back smugly at all the people still stuck on the wharf waiting for the next ferry. This kid started swinging on a horizontal pole to kill his boredom and as we watched he swung out hard, lost his sweaty palm grip and slammed back first onto a wooden step. Shock, pain but mostly shame slid across his face. and we laughed. Not mercilessly, more hahaha, ouch, hahaha, bummed out buddy. Our day was complete.
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