By 8:30am, day two of the super gp and all we could hear was ‘VRRRRRRRRRRROOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, VRrrrrrrrrrommMMMMMMMMM, VRRRRroomommmmmmmmmmmmMMM’ as the V8 cars started their warm up laps two streets over. We were packed up and out the door in 20 minutes.
To the SPIT pete! post haste. Fishing, reading, eating and paddling, big agenda.
Pete had his line rigged and flung out just as I settled under the tree to read my book, seconds later he was reeling it back in, whoo hooo! a fish no less! poof, my book was flung aside in anticipation, up out of the water it came…. We gasped, oh god I said. Pete looked at his line and back to me. Er…. ‘Is that, is that a blow fish?’ I stammered. The fish was about the size of my hand but it was blown up like a pastry puff! um um um… ‘don’t touch it!’ I screeched, ‘just in case you know?!’ and ran to the car to get a cloth. Pete nodded. Can’t a blowfish kill you? Am pretty sure, anyway, we weren’t taking any chances. Armed with a trusty tea towel Pete flipped the little blighter onto his back, carefully removed the hook. and biffed it back. Hansom and brave I sighed.… drama over then eh?
um, really no stories, just fishin…and reading….bit more fishin…..
amusing myself with the timer function on the camera…..
oh and then PEte broke his rod. It just clean snapped in half he said, but I was down the road buying sushi so I don’t really know what happened. The way he told it was like this:
‘I was fishing, I think it got caught on a rock so I yoinked it like this (does wrist flicking action with rod remainder) and it wouldn’t come so I pulled it like this (does more vigorious wrist action) and it snapped?! (looks to me, eyebrows raised like that’s that).’
Gee, well, that’s a story eh? I ask him where the top half of the rod is now and he looks at the sea,
‘I couldn’t reach it, even when I stood on that far rock’ (he points to the rock a foot leap away).
‘oh’ I said. ‘well that’s real stink’. I think about it for a bit. ‘you know’, I said, ‘you should’a said you were reeling in a massive fish, probably could’ve been a shark even! and it snapped under the pressure!! that would’ve been exciting!’.
Pete grins and looks down mulling over this new idea,
‘yeah I should’ve’ he says and looks up again, ‘but na, it was just a rock’. HA.
Am looking for rod remains in the sea.
Lazy day. Laughy day. Good day.
Check out how close this little guy came. I love it too, he looked at me for a bit, decided I didn’t have any food, turned his back and walked off with all the might of disapproving teacher. hurmph. ‘no thank yooooooooou very much’.
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