Monday, 18 October 2010

Wonderful Spring Garden

I have been absent for some time and have a backlog of blogs in my mind to get down! One is how awesome it is that Spring is FINALLY here. I’m usually an advocate of winter, but 3 months of continuous heavy rain was starting to wear me down. Now there are little green leaves and blossom on our plum tree, strawberries ripening along the fence line and potatoes mounded up tall and strong.

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Pete, as most of you are probably aware by now, is an absolute legend in the garden. He’s fastidious and focused and reads his subscriptions to ‘NZ and Weekend gardener’ and ‘Lifestyle Block’ from cover to cover every month. He plants and weeds and sows according to the waxing and waning of the moon just like a big hippy and he LOVES IT!

Because he’s away so often with work it’s my job to maintain the gardens harmony and when he returns our conversations go something like this.

Pete ‘did you water the garden?’

Me ‘yep, every day just like you said’ (lie)

Pete ‘hmm, how come my tomatoes are wilting and my beans are dead?’

Me ‘REALLY?!?’ (displaying mock horror) ‘I can’t think why cause I watered every day just like you said’ (lie)

Pete, sticking finger into crusty dry soil ‘I think you’re lying’

Me, breaking under pressure of evidence, ‘I might have forgot to water some days, but it rained a little on Wednesday and I figured that would see it through till Sunday and……sorry Pete’

Pete, looks at me as though I’ve neglected real life children. Nuff said.

So this time I’ve been working real hard, watering EVERY day and so have added some pics to show you all how wonderful everything looks and prove to my husband that at least halfway through his time in Thailand and Mumbai things in the garden were indeed still alive!

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good wif. hard working wif. green fingered wif.

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And who’s that most beautiful kitten asleep in the laundry basket? Millie cat aka ‘Bear’.

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And who are those most beautiful ladies? Maureen and Ha-say-o looking very intelligent.

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And what are these NOT dying in the shade shed and fully watered? wonderful seedlings waiting for the moon.

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And seriously what is this contraption? Pete’s homemade irrigation system water bucket collector complete with bag of stinky chicken shit fertiliser seeping in it.

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And who are these 3? Ahh Pete and I with our lovely niece Nova on mums 65th Birthday last August (just happened to spy this one left on the camera!) little did I know I was pregnant here and knocked back a half bottle of uncle D’s champagne. oh dear.

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