Tuesday, 7 December 2010

‘single live fetus’

SO! we’ve just had the 20 week scan. At the top of the letter it says:

‘there is a single LIVE fetus’, well thank god for that eh?

It then goes on to use the word ‘normal’ a lot. Head, spine, heart, stomach, kidneys, bladder, cord insertion and limbs – all ‘normal’. Movements and cardiac activity - ‘normal’. ‘Normal’ appearances. Normal, normal, normal baby harrow, so this is all good news.

The two things we were dying to know were ‘sex’ and we especially went to a Radiologist, called Linda, that specialised in 3D scanning so we could see our wee babies face. Alas, neither was to be.

After taking all the necessary measurements and saying ‘normal’ a lot the very lovely Linda turned the image 3D to show us the face. Two orange blobs appeared on the monitor. ‘um, you see the blob on the left?’ she said, ‘Well that’s the back of your babies head, unfortunately for you she has her face buried in your placenta right now’. Oh. We could see a round back of head and one little ear.

We moved onto the sex. ‘hmm, you see those two white lines?’ she said, ‘that’s the thigh bones, but they are so close together that I can’t make out the genitalia’. Oh again.

Our baby is currently lying horizontally across my stomach facing my spine with it’s legs pulled up close together and it’s face using the placenta as it’s pillow. Both hands are up beside her head like that famous painting called ‘The Scream’. In case you haven’t brushed up on your art lately I have copied the image for you below.


In fact, that’s probably not entirely an inaccurate image of what he or she may currently look like, minus the black sweater.

After a little probing Linda said she felt 90% sure that the baby is……a girl. She said although she can’t see either genitalia it was probably a girl because a scrotum and penis would show up more readily.

SO, it’s a GIRL!!!!

Maybe. But hold onto your cash for now those that bet boy, our midwife reckons we just won’t know until it’s out and that’s a surprise I’m happy to wait for, baby Harrow has her ;) secret safe for now.



Kingstore Coffee Traders said...

So excited for you guys! You will be amazing parents.

Jennie H said...

oooh excited, but also nearly threw up as i was eating my lunch at work whilst reading it!! hehe

jen xx