This should keep the rellies sated for a little while, a wee montage post last nights feed.
She already has quite a personality, feisty I think our mid-wife put it. Definitely lets you know what she wants and you’d better be quick smart about it. Yesterday she burped in Grandpa’s face as he went to kiss her goodbye, I thought, that’s my girl. The dark hair still has us stumped but with all her papa’s other features he can hardly blame the milkman. She feeds extremely well, glug, glug, glug until she chokes and has has to come up for air, eyes all red and watering.
She holds our gaze for long periods of time and gives little open mouthed half smiles (not wind) when you kiss her face or snort into her neck. She has wee dimples when she smiles, very sweet.
she gets crotchity when i do like i’m doing now and try to multi-task while feeding. I tell her a mother can only gaze lovingly into her babies eyes every other feed or she’ll go mad with bordem. I don’t think she understands.
We’re still waiting for the red stalk mark on her forehead to fade, I hope it does! our midwife assures us she think it will. Her eyelids too are still red from all that face first pushing, poor wee dot.
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